Tracking Services

Our Tracking Services has three main plans, GPS Localization, Asset Management and GPS Online Premium.

The GPS Localization is a basic plan that allow you to track location of all assets daily. Position (GPS coordinates) of each asset is captured twice daily.

         GPS Tracking Device
        Your asset is equipped with a small RUGGED IECEx / ATEX ZONE 0 GPS Tracking Device.

         Localization Report
        You will receive daily an excel report with last seen location and last seen time for all assets, includes battery level and days since last seen.

The Asset Management gives you a comprehensive overview of your asset fleet operations through a set of report that allow you to monitor location, schedules and more, to optimize performance of your asset, improve your productivity, drive down costs.

         Asset Location-Based Utilization Report
        Display a list of assets, filtered by group, showing percentage of time assets were in home yard vs outside of home yard.

         Days On Location By Asset Report
        Broken down by asset, this report lists location, first date entered and exited with total days on that site, as well as the last seen date for that  asset.

         Outstanding Maintenance Tasks Report
        List of assets and their maintenance tasks with last seen location. Can be narrowed down by group or by flag status.

The GPS Online Premium allow you to gain control over your field operations, control your compliance exposure and drive down your cost. This plan gives you access to an online cloud-based platform with advance asset management functionalities. You will be able to manage in real time functionalities such as:

         Rental Management
        ▪ Verify rental invoices for customer/supplier transparency
        ▪ Locate assets on rent and audit billing based on GPS location
        ▪ View rental statistics and location information all on one screen
        ▪ Identify every rig, well, platform and custom jobsite with GIS data
        ▪ View days on site for all assets
        ▪ Monitor utilization across your fleet


  Compliance Management
        ▪ Respond immediately to compliance alerts, armed with asset location
        ▪ Share data with suppliers, customers reducing risk of out ofcompliance equipment
        ▪ Email certification and compliance documents to operators and shippers
        ▪ Audit equipment locations for inventory management
        ▪ Manage asset certification, Maintenance and compliance requirement
     ▪ Create an audit trail that documents correct certification and maintenance

  Download PDF Data Sheet

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