ScourRdillo™ Casing Brush by
The ScourRdillo™ Casing Brush is a robust, 360° free rotating contact, wellbore clean-up tool and can be run individually or modularly as part of the ArmRdillo™ Wellbore Clean-Up System. The ScourRdillo™ Casing Brush can be adapted to suit any casing size and drill pipe combination.
• Pre-completion wellbore clean-up operations to remove hardened cement sheath, scale, mud solids, cuttings and other detritus from the casing wall
• Typically run as a complement to the RazRdillo Casing Scraper for superior hole cleaning
• Drilling casing cement plugs in a single trip
• Extended reach wells where high strength drill pipe connections are required
• Remote locations where logistics are constrained and tool maintenance can be performed at the rig site
• Short tripping where multiple brush tools need to be run on the same string
• Multiple overlapping wire brush elements which provides 360° contact with the casing wall and generous fluid bypass area for circulation
• Two fluted Centralizer Rings provide centralization, bypass and protects the brush elements
• Free rotating tool design with Internal Bearing Rings to prevent drill pipe, tool or casing wear
• Can be quickly assembled redressed on location or support base with simple hand tools
• No external bolts, clamps or fasteners that can come loose down hole
• Robust assembly method with multiple back-ups