ScourRdillo™ Casing Brush  by 


The ScourRdillo™ Casing Brush is a robust, 360° free rotating contact, wellbore clean-up tool and can be run individually or modularly as part of the ArmRdillo™ Wellbore Clean-Up System. The ScourRdillo™ Casing Brush can be adapted to suit any casing size and drill pipe combination.

• Pre-completion wellbore clean-up operations to remove hardened cement sheath, scale, mud solids, cuttings and other detritus from the casing wall
• Typically run as a complement to the RazRdillo Casing Scraper for superior hole cleaning
• Drilling casing cement plugs in a single trip
• Extended reach wells where high strength drill pipe connections are required
• Remote locations where logistics are constrained and tool maintenance can be performed at the rig site
• Short tripping where multiple brush tools need to be run on the same string

• Multiple overlapping wire brush elements which provides 360° contact with the casing wall and generous fluid bypass area for circulation
• Two fluted Centralizer Rings provide centralization, bypass and protects the brush elements
• Free rotating tool design with Internal Bearing Rings to prevent drill pipe, tool or casing wear
• Can be quickly assembled redressed on location or support base with simple hand tools
• No external bolts, clamps or fasteners that can come loose down hole
• Robust assembly method with multiple back-ups

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Cost Savings
• The ArmRdillo™ Wellbore Clean-Up System has incremental cost savings on logistics, deck space, inspection and maintenance and can also be serviced at the rig-site with basic hand tools
Increases Well Productivity

 A properly executed wellbore clean-up reduces fine debris which can block screens and pore throats reducing well productivity
• The ArmRdillo™ Wellbore Clean-Up System can be provided with any type of rig end connections including premium and high torque connections reducing the need for reduced strength crossovers   
• Single piece mandrel with no internal connections for increased strength
Reducing Non-Productive Time
• A robust wellbore clean-up is proven to reduce nonproductive time during the completion of the well
• Reduces premature failure of completion equipment by debris which can interfere with valves, electronics and other hardware
• While running in hole, the Brush Elements of the ScourRdillo scour the casing wall removing cement sheath, scale and other debris
• Cement plugs can be drilled inside the casing as required
• The ScourRdillo is reciprocated across critical depths to remove cement sheath and other debris
• During displacement the drill string can be rotated and reciprocated to improve hole cleaning without fear of damage or wear of the casing, drill pipe or of the ArmRdillo Wellbore Clean-Up System

Related Resources
 ScourRdillo Casing Brush 

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